Replacement Policy

  • On any given day, there are 4 Replacement Residents and 2 Replacement Interns. If someone calls in sick, 1st Resident Replacement will be pulled. If another person calls in sick, 2nd Resident Replacement will be pulled, etc. This system was not designed for substitutions within the Resident Replacement pool (ex. 3rd Resident Replacement is not supposed to come in because the 2nd Replacement chooses not to perform his or her duties).

  • Your replacement list schedule is posted on Amion – it is your responsibility to know when you are scheduled for replacement. All replacement shifts have been assigned for the year and distributed as evenly as possible. Please arrange your schedule around this.

  • You must be available by pager from 12:00am the morning of your replacement day until 11:59pm.

  • You must respond to your page within 20 minutes of it being sent.

  • You must be able to arrive to the hospital within 1 hour of being notified. This includes being prepared with clothing, etc (taking more than 1 hour to drive back home first is not a valid excuse.)

  • Should you be pulled for a call, your call duties end at the time the call would otherwise normally end (ex. MICU call ends at 1:00pm). You will be excused from any other clinical assignments on your post-call day.

  • If there is a certain day that you cannot be on replacement on your assigned day, it is up to you to find someone to switch dates with you and to notify the Chiefs ahead of time of the switch.

  • If a resident calls in sick and a Replacement Resident is pulled, the sick resident has no obligation to “pay back the shift” to the Replacement Resident at a later time. If the two residents wish to set up a “payback agreement,” that will be a separate agreement outside of anything the Chiefs can and will enforce.

  • If you are on a consult service, you are NOT allowed to be On-Call for that consult service on the same day you are on replacement. It is your responsibility to ensure there is no conflict when you schedule your consult on-call days with the other members of your team.

  • Any concerns or issues that arise will be brought up and discussed with the program director, at which point he is able to decide on any further steps that need to be taken.

effective July 26, 2016